Friday 25 April 2014

The Adventures of Jam millionare

Fraser Doherty, now 24, set up SuperJam at 14, using his Gran's jam
recipes. After selling his produce at farmers' markets and to
delicatessens, he developed a method of producing jam 100% from fruit.
After setting up production, creating a brand and perfecting his recipes,
Fraser became the youngest ever supplier to a major supermarket chain
when Waitrose launched the range in March 2007. SuperJam now supplies
over 2,000 supermarkets around the world (incl. Tesco, Asda Wal-Mart,
Morrisons, Sainsbury's, Waitrose) in countries including Australia, Russia,
Denmark, Finland and Ireland.

SuperJam is exhibited in the National Museum of Scotland as an 'Iconic
Scottish Brand', alongside Irn Bru, Tunnock's and Baxters and Fraser was
named 'Global Student Entrepreneur of The Year', the first ever winner
from outside North America, one of over twenty awards that the company
has received. Gordon Brown, the UK Prime Minister, commended Fraser
over dinner at Downing Street, after hearing about his amazing story.
In August 2010, Fraser launched The SuperJam Cookbook, sharing his jammaking
secrets with the world. In April 2011, he launched SuperBusiness;
a book about his story and everything he has learned. Both books have
since become best sellers, on sale at Waterstones, WHSmith and in

The company invests in running 'SuperJam Tea Parties' for elderly people
who live alone, in care homes or in sheltered housing. SuperJam has hosted
over 125 events across the UK, with live music, dancing and, of course,
scones and SuperJam. Up to 600 guests attend each of these events and
they are growing in popularity every month.

Fraser has also been `Entrepreneur in Residence' at London Metropolitan
University since 2010, delivering lectures and speeches on entrepreneurship.
                          he is also rich with awards having
 Enterprising Young Brit Award (2004)
The Independent's `Top 40 Children' (2005)
Outstanding Young Person of The World Award (2007)
Biggart Baillie Innovation Award (2007)
Young Entrepreneur of The Year (2007)
Supernova's Brightest Young Business (2007)
Global Student Entrepreneur of The Year (2007)
`Top 10' in The Observer's `Future 500' (2007)
Shortlisted for ITV's `Britain's Best' Awards (2008)
John Logie Baird Innovation Award (2008)
Glenfiddich Spirit of Scotland Award (2008)
Top 10 in Courvoisier Future 500 Network (2008)
BT Essence of The Entrepreneur Award (2009)
Ernst&Young Entrepreneur of The Year finalist (2009)
Nectar Business Entrepreneur of The Year (2009)
Bighearted Scotland Business Person of The Year (2009)
HSBC Start-up Stars Finalist (2009)
Smarta 100 Award (2010)
Inc Magazine 30 under 30 Award (2010)
Top 10 in `Times Young Power List' (2011)
NatWest Enterprise Awards Finalist (2012)
Ben & Jerry's 'Join our Core' Finalist (2012) 

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